Winning photos of Andrei Stenin Contest to be displayed in Latin America

Открытие выставки работ лауреатов Фотоконкурса имени А. Стенина в Музее изящных искусств, Сан-Хуан, Аргентина.
Two Latin American countries, Nicaragua and Argentina, host exhibits of works by the winners of the Andrei Stenin International Press Photo Contest.
Managua, the capital of Nicaragua, is the next stop of the international tour of the Andrei Stenin Press Photo Contest where the works of the finalists were presented.
This is the first exhibition at the heart of Central America, Nicaragua, over the 10-year history of the photo contest. It became the seventh country of the 2023 roadshow. The opening of the exhibition took place with the support of the Nicaraguan National Cinematheque and the Committee on Media and Citizenship of Nicaragua. The exhibition of 24 works by photojournalists from Bahrain, China, Spain, Russia, Bangladesh, Italy and other countries will be open to everyone until April, 12.
Открытие экспозиции работ лауреатов Фотоконкурса имени А. Стенина в Никарагуанской национальной Синематеке, Манагуа.

The opening of the exhibition took place with the support of the Nicaraguan National Cinematheque.

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Открытие экспозиции работ лауреатов Фотоконкурса имени А. Стенина в Никарагуанской национальной Синематеке, Манагуа.

The opening of the exhibition took place with the support of the Nicaraguan National Cinematheque.

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Открытие экспозиции работ лауреатов Фотоконкурса имени А. Стенина в Никарагуанской национальной Синематеке, Манагуа.

The opening of the exhibition took place with the support of the Nicaraguan National Cinematheque.

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Открытие экспозиции работ лауреатов Фотоконкурса имени А. Стенина в Никарагуанской национальной Синематеке, Манагуа.

The opening of the exhibition took place with the support of the Nicaraguan National Cinematheque.

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Открытие выставки работ лауреатов Фотоконкурса имени А. Стенина в Никарагуанской национальной Синематеке, Манагуа.

The opening of the exhibition took place with the support of the Nicaraguan National Cinematheque.

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Открытие экспозиции работ лауреатов Фотоконкурса имени А. Стенина в Никарагуанской национальной Синематеке, Манагуа.

The opening of the exhibition took place with the support of the Nicaraguan National Cinematheque.

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Открытие экспозиции работ лауреатов Фотоконкурса имени А. Стенина в Никарагуанской национальной Синематеке, Манагуа.

The opening of the exhibition took place with the support of the Nicaraguan National Cinematheque.

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Idanea Castillo, co-director of the National Cinematheque commented during the opening ceremony:
"This exhibition shows the talent of young photographers who stand out in this contest for their high standard of quality in documentary photography".
Óscar Pérez, vice minister of Youth Affairs and coordinator of the Leonel Rugama Cultural Movement added:
"Today we are accompanied by young people who are amateurs of photography, young people who are also professional photographers, young people who are communication students, young people who are university students, young people from high school and technological centers who really like photography and I know that with this type of content, with this type of space, you are allowing us to learn much more about this art".
Daniel Edmundo Ortega Murillo, coordinator of the Communication and Citizenship Council of Nicaragua commented:
" We are always united in this permanent effort for truth and efforts like these that lead us to continue advancing in that communication for peace, communication for stability, communication in the defense of our people. I invite everyone to come here to see this exhibition"
San Juan, Argentina, is hosting the exhibition for the second year now. An extensive collection of 40 photographs by Iranian, Bosnian, Russian, French, Burundian and other young photojournalists can be seen at the Museum of Fine Arts, and starting from April 18, the exhibition will be presented at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National University of San Juan.
Открытие выставки работ лауреатов Фотоконкурса имени А. Стенина в Музее изящных искусств, Сан-Хуан, Аргентина.

Stenin Contest exhibition opens in San Juan, Argentina

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Открытие выставки работ лауреатов Фотоконкурса имени А. Стенина в Музее изящных искусств, Сан-Хуан, Аргентина.

Stenin Contest exhibition opens in San Juan, Argentina

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Открытие выставки работ лауреатов Фотоконкурса имени А. Стенина в Музее изящных искусств, Сан-Хуан, Аргентина.

Stenin Contest exhibition opens in San Juan, Argentina

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Открытие выставки работ лауреатов Фотоконкурса имени А. Стенина в Музее изящных искусств, Сан-Хуан, Аргентина.

Stenin Contest exhibition opens in San Juan, Argentina

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Открытие выставки работ лауреатов Фотоконкурса имени А. Стенина в Музее изящных искусств, Сан-Хуан, Аргентина.

Stenin Contest exhibition opens in San Juan, Argentina

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The exhibition in Argentina is held with the support of Contest partners, Ahora San Juan and the Ideas Foundation for the Promotion of Equality, whose representatives spoke at the opening ceremony of the exhibition.
Jorge Lorenzo, President of the Ideas Foundation for the Promotion of Equality said:
"Equity between countries and cultures is recognizing each other as different and respecting each other. This exhibition, which we organize with great pride, brings us touches from different parts of the world that tell us that there are many perspectives on a multicultural and multipolar planet. It is fresh air, life full of colors, in the face of the gray mandate of those who dictate a unique cultural hegemonic system for the planet".
Daniela Albarez Paez, Coordinator of the Institutional Relations and Project Management Commission (RIGP) of the Ideas Foundation for the Promotion of Equality added:
"The objective of photojournalism is to portray and communicate a moment, an event, certain characters. I believe that these works go beyond that, they manage to transmit emotions and transport us to the most remote places in the world, leading us to artistic enjoyment. Photography turned into art and that art as a reflection of different cultures. It is essential for us as a medium to help promote, transmit and preserve this art with timeless validity".
About the Contest
The Andrei Stenin International Press Photo Contest, organized by the Rossiya Segodnya International Media Group under the auspices of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, aims at supporting young photographers and attracting public attention to the contemporary photojournalism’s tasks. This is a platform for young photographers, who are talented, sensitive and open for everything new, where they can draw the public’s attention to people and events next to us.
In 2023, the contest was supported in the Russian segment by: VGTRK (All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company), SMOTRIM online platform; Culture Russian state TV channel; Moscow 24 TV channel; Union of Journalists of Russia; YOung JOurnalists website, Russia; Russian Photo website, Russia; and website, Russia.