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05 / 06 / 2019
The Wretched and the Earth
The Wretched and the Earth
The Wretched and the EarthThe Wretched and the EarthThe Wretched and the EarthThe Wretched and the EarthThe Wretched and the EarthThe Wretched and the EarthThe Wretched and the EarthThe Wretched and the EarthThe Wretched and the EarthThe Wretched and the Earth
05 / 06 / 2019
Forgotten Guerrero
Forgotten GuerreroForgotten GuerreroForgotten GuerreroForgotten GuerreroForgotten GuerreroForgotten GuerreroForgotten GuerreroForgotten GuerreroForgotten GuerreroForgotten GuerreroForgotten GuerreroForgotten Guerrero
04 / 06 / 2019
Escaping Conflict To Another.Syria
A young Syrian man carries a wounded child following an airstrike on the town of Douma on February 25, 2017. Two years later the photographer went to Paris in search of a peaceful life only to find himself in the midst of the Yellow Vests protests.
Escaping Conflict to Another. Syria
04 / 06 / 2019
04 / 06 / 2019
Sea Watch
Sea Watch
04 / 06 / 2019
In Protest
Police detaining demonstrators during a protest rally organized by opposition parties and civil society against the clampdown by the Indian government on the country’s middle and lower classes.
In Protest
04 / 06 / 2019
Escaping Conflict to Another. France
A Yellow Vests demonstration around Champs-Elysées in Paris on December 1,2018. The Yellow Vests movement in France originally started as a protest against the planned fuel hikes but has morphed into a mass protest against the president's policies.
Escaping Conflict to Another. France
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