Hopes for a better life

Hoesfor a better life

Lailya Begum's husband has been visually impaired since birth. He has also suffered from asthma and arthritis for the past few years. She has to beg from door to door to afford the cost of her husband's treatment and the expenses of her six children. She struggles to run such a huge household with the money she gets from begging. The situation was made even worse when the entire village was submerged during a horrific flood. They were water-logged for 4-5 days. To protect themselves from the flood, they took shelter in their neighbor's house. Her two sons were affected by water-borne diseases. She relied on the borrowed money from her neighbors and her days were filled with sorrow. She will be able to repair the damaged house, seek treatment for her husband, and provide a better future for her children if she receives assistance.