Winners 2019
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© Sameer Al-Doumy
Escaping Conflict To Another.Syria
1st place, Special prize "For humanitarian photography" by International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
A young Syrian man carries a wounded child following an airstrike on the town of Douma on February 25, 2017. Two years later the photographer went to Paris in search of a peaceful life only to find himself in the midst of the Yellow Vests protests.
Sameer Al-Doumy
Sameer Al-Doumy
Sameer Al-Doumy is a freelance photographer who covers the war that has been raging in his native Syria for the last 7 years. He started his media work as an activist in 2011 and has worked on documenting the events that happened in his city for local publications.
Escaping Conflict to Another. Syria
Escaping Conflict To Another.Syria
1st place, Special prize "For humanitarian photography" by International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
© Basilio Sepe
2nd place
Onlookers watch as workers look for recyclable materials from houses that were destroyed by strong winds and waves in Navotas, Manila, the Philippines. Tropical storm Karding, international name Yagi, displaced thousands of people and left many parts of the city flooded.
Basilio Sepe
Basilio Sepe
Basilio Sepe is an independent photographer based in Manila, the Philippines. He has done multimedia work for various international and local outfits.
2nd place
© Marcus Wiechmann
Sea Watch
3rd place
A rescue team of the NGO Sea Watch transfers a woman from a wooden boat onto their RHIB. During the night the organization received a call from the MRCC in Rome, Italy, with coordinates of a vessel in distress. Early in the morning the team spotted a sinking wooden boat with 157 people on board.
Marcus Wiechmann
Marcus Wiechmann
Marcus Wiechmann studies photojournalism and documentary photography at Hochschule Hannover, Germany. He works with different visual approaches and mediums. His long-term projects focus on social and environmental issues, mainly in Europe and the Middle East. He has received international awards.
Sea Watch
Sea Watch
3rd place
© Debarchan Chatterjee
In Protest
Jury Honorable Mention
Police detaining demonstrators during a protest rally organized by opposition parties and civil society against the clampdown by the Indian government on the country’s middle and lower classes.
Debarchan Chatterjee
Debarchan Chatterjee
He is a photojournalist and an independent documentary photographer from Kolkata, India.
In Protest
In Protest
Jury Honorable Mention
© Sameer Al-Doumy
Escaping Conflict to Another. France
Jury Honorable Mention
A Yellow Vests demonstration around Champs-Elysées in Paris on December 1,2018. The Yellow Vests movement in France originally started as a protest against the planned fuel hikes but has morphed into a mass protest against the president's policies.
Sameer Al-Doumy
Sameer Al-Doumy
Sameer Al-Doumy is a freelance photographer who covers the war that has been raging in his native Syria for the last 7 years. He started his media work as an activist in 2011 and has worked on documenting the events that happened in his city for local publications.
Escaping Conflict to Another. France
Escaping Conflict to Another. France
Jury Honorable Mention
© Gabriele Cecconi
The Wretched and the Earth
Grand Prix
The project’s aim is to investigate and document the environmental crisis following the Rohyngya migration in South Bangladesh, in order to deepen the relation between humans and the environment and reflect on the challenges posed by sudden mass migrations.
The Wretched and the Earth
Gabriele Cecconi
Gabriele Cecconi
Gabriele was born in 1985. He works as a documentary photographer, pays special attention to social, political and environmental issues. In 2014, after receiving a law degree, he began to engage in photography. In 2015, at the invitation of Camera Torino and Leica, he learned the skill from Magnum photographer Alex Webb. He has several solo and group exhibitions.
The Wretched and the Earth
The Wretched and the Earth
Grand Prix
© Kitra Cahana
Caravana Migrante, Tijuana.
1st place
Thousands of migrants from Central America have arrived on foot in Tijuana, Mexico at the end of 2018, hoping to cross the border and seek asylum in the United States. Salvadorans, Guatemalans and Hondurans are seeking asylum from Central America’s skyrocketing violence.
Caravana Migrante, Tijuana
Kitra Cahana
Kitra Cahana
Kitra Cahana is a documentary photographer and filmmaker. Her work explores important social, anthropological and spiritual themes. She is a contributing photographer to National Geographic Magazine.
Caravana Migrante, Tijuana
Caravana Migrante, Tijuana.
1st place
© Luis Tato
Zimbabwe's Post-Mugabe Election
2nd place
Zimbabweans voted in the country's first presidential election without the strongman and controversial leader Robert Mugabe, who led the nation for 37 years. In the following days, violent protests lead to the arrests of many opposition supporters, according to the opposition leaders and human rights groups.
Zimbabwe's Post-Mugabe Election
Luis Tato
Luis Tato is a Spanish-born photojournalist based in Nairobi, Kenya. He currently combines his work as a stringer photographer covering East Africa with his own photojournalism projects, given his passion for sociology and traveling.
Zimbabwe's Post-Mugabe Election
Zimbabwe's Post-Mugabe Election
2nd place
© Alfredo Bosco
Forgotten Guerrero
3rd place, Special prize "For humanitarian photography" by International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
This report looks at the State of Guerrero's current social and political situation. Violence is relentlessly on the rise amongst cartels and self-proclaimed defence groups; local feuds force the population to abandon their homes and towns, surrendering them to a ghastly domestic conflict.
Forgotten Guerrero
Alfredo Bosco
Alfredo Bosco
Alfredo Bosco, a Tuscany-born freelance photographer, based in Paris and Milan. He is a contributor of Luz Photo Agency. He has covered stories in Italy, Ukraine, the Middle East, Haiti and Central Asia. He is cofounder and editor of MilanoCittaAperta, an online Journal of Urban Photography.
Forgotten Guerrero
Forgotten Guerrero
3rd place, Special prize "For humanitarian photography" by International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
© Ayanava Sil
Decisive Heading
1st place
A decisive moment during a water polo match.
Ayanava Sil
Ayanava Sil
Ayanava Sil lives in Kolkata, India where he works as documentary photographer, focusing on images of everyday life. Documenting people over the years has been an invaluable opportunity for him to explore the unknown and to embrace the multitude of people’s realities.
Decisive Heading
Decisive Heading
1st place
© Amit Moulick
Red Yellow Mat Wrestling
2nd place
A State level Wrestling competition was organized on the bank of the river Ganges at Kolkata in India on November 18, 2018. More than 110 men and women wrestlers took part in the contest. They came from various parts of India including Varanasi, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Mathura and Allahabad. I took this photo in front of the Howrah Bridge on the bank of the river Ganges at Kolkata in India. A huge number of spectators crowded round the ring.
Amit Moulick
Amit Moulick
Amit is a graduate in science from Jaipur National University, India. He works as a freelance photojournalist in the editorial/news department of The Times of India, the highest selling daily newspaper in the country. Amit covered several national assignments including elections, strife, conflicts, important public figures and heads of state as well as stories of everyday life.
Red Yellow Mat Wrestling
Red Yellow Mat Wrestling
2nd place
© Tahora Lali
3rd place
Ninja Rangers training with wooden swords in Shahriar.
Tahora Lali
Iranian photographer Tahora Lali was born in 1998. She is a member of the Shahriar Photographers Group and the Association of Visual Arts of Shahriar. She has taken part in photo shows at the Shahriah House of Artists, the Tehran Gallery, the Paris Photo Fair and some other photo exhibitions.
3rd place
© Mohammad Ali Najib
Call me, coach!
Jury Honorable Mention
Marzie Baneshi is a 24-year-old player in Girls of Fars. “I think playing rugby as a woman in Iran is absolutely crazy and being the coach of the women’s team is idiotic and we are all like a bunch of lunatics who have been let loose from an asylum!” Marzie said.
Mohammmed Ali Najib
Mohammad Ali Najib
Mohammad Ali was born in Iran, graduated in civil engineering and has been working as a photographer for 9 years.
Call me, coach!
Call me, coach!
Jury Honorable Mention
© Alexei Filippov
Lonely Olympics
1st place
At the Olympics, behind all the noise of the stands and overall excitement, the biggest challenge that the athlete faces is state of mind, and character. In the end he or she has to overcome not the competitors, but his or her own uncertainty.
Lonely Olympics
Alexei Filippov
Alexei Filippov
Alexei was born in 1985 in Baku. He graduated from Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation with a degree in engineering. Simultaneously, he studied photojournalism at Moscow State University. Alexei completed an internship at Kommersant Publishing House, collaborated with the Tribuna newspaper and worked for ITAR-TASS agency for several years. Since 2011, he has been a staff photojournalist at RIA Novosti.
Lonely Olympics
Lonely Olympics
1st place
© Jeoffrey Guillemard
The Youth In Charreria
2nd place
Evolving from traditions brought from Spain in the 16th century, the first charrerías were horse competitions in which workers from different haciendas in Mexico competed against one another. Today, such competitions are held throughout Mexico, one of which is reserved for children and teenagers.
Jeoffrey Guillemard
Jeoffrey Guillemard
Jeoffrey Guillemard was born in 1986 in Nancy, France. Since 2006 he has worked all over the American continent, primarily in Mexico, where he now lives. He started as a self-taught photographer and in 2014 he completed the EMI-CFD photojournalism training in Paris.
The Youth In Charreria
2nd place
© Pavel Volkov
The gang
3rd place
A photo story depicting the life of football hooligan subculture.
The gang
Павел Волков
Pavel Volkov
Born in 1987 in Russia. Graduated from Photofaculty of Yuri Galperin, a professional course for photo correspondents. He has won awards in a number of high-profile phtography contests. Pavel takes interest in projects related to social problems of Russian society. He is an author of several documentary projects about youth subcultures (football hooligans, fight clubs, street fighters), he also covered the events in Maidan, Crimea, and the south-east of Ukraine as well. His photos have been published in The Yew York Times lens blog, International New York Times, Der Spiegel, Washington Post, Harpers Magazine, Rolling Stones New York. He is a photojournalist for the Izvestia newspaper.
The gang
The gang
3rd place
© Elif Ozturk Ozgoncu
Kirkpinar Oil Wrestling Festival
Jury Honorable Mention
Kirkipinar is a Turkish oil-wrestling tournament dating back more than 660 years. It is held annually over three days, usually in July, near Erdine, a city in the northwest of Turkey. Wrestlers (‘pehlivan’) wearing leather breeches (‘kispet’) compete on grass, after being covered with oil.
Kirkpinar Oil Wrestling Festival
Elif Ozturk Ozgoncu
Elif Ozturk Ozgoncu
Elif Ozturk Ozgoncu was born in Rize, Turkey in 1986. She graduated from Yildiz Technical University in 2014 and began working as a freelance photographer. She is now an Anadolu Agency photojournalist based in Istanbul.
Kirkpinar Oil Wrestling Festival
Kirkpinar Oil Wrestling Festival
Jury Honorable Mention
© Fyodor Telkov
Hunting with dogs
Jury Honorable Mention
Before 1905, dog hunting was an entertainment for rich people. Now it is an exotic sport for a small number of enthusiasts. For them it is a chance to immerse themselves in history, spend time outdoors, train dogs and compete with other hunters in a contest of skill and luck.
Hunting with dogs
Федор Телков
Fyodor Telkov
Born in Nizhny Tagil, Russia in 1986, Fyodor Telkov is a photographer, a project supervisor and since 2008, a member of the Russian Union of Photo Artists. He graduated from the Artistic Graphics Department of the Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Academy. He is currently based in Yekaterinburg.
Hunting with dogs
Hunting with dogs
Jury Honorable Mention
© Justin Sullivan
1st place
An aerial view of an African Elephant poached for Ivory in Northern Botswana. Poachers used a chainsaw to cut off the trunk and tusks, just 20 minutes away from a nearby camp. Poaching in Botswana is increasing rapidly, with an estimated increase of carcasses by 593% in the Northern parts of the country from 2014 to 2018.
Justin Sullivan
Justin Sullivan
South Africa
Justin Sullivan was born in the small town of Eshowe, South Africa. After completing secondary schooling at Michaelhouse in Kwa-Zulu Natal, he studied Development & Environmental Studies at the University of Stellenbosch - completing majors in Geography & Environmental Studies, Public & Development Management, and a half-major in Sociology.
1st place
© Azim Khan Ronnie
World's biggest refugee camp
2nd place
These incredible aerial photographs capture thousands of makeshift homes in the world's largest refugee camp. The array of red, green and white homes, which house more than 1,000,000 refugees fleeing terrifying violence, can be seen sprawling for miles in these amazing drone shots.
Azim Khan Ronnie
Azim Khan Ronnie
Azim Khan Ronnie was born in Dhaka and brought up in Bogra, Bangladesh. He has always had a passion for photography. As a photographer, his essential aim is to capture moments in life and give them significance by making them static in time.
World's biggest refugee camp
World's biggest refugee camp
2nd place
© Aleksandra Bardas
Sweet Salt of Emptiness
3rd place
Muynak. This was once a port on the Aral Sea. Today there are abandoned ships left stranded in what is now а desert.
Aleksandra Bardas
Aleksandra Bardas
Aleksandra Bardas was born in Tashkent in 1988. In 2013−2018 she studied for a Bachelor’s degree in photography at FH Dortmund in Germany, before gaining a Master’s in 2019. Her work has been published in International Photography Magazine 2018.
Sweet Salt of Emptiness
Sweet Salt of Emptiness
3rd place
© Alexei Malgavko
Winter holidays
Jury Honorable Mention
Vacationers at the Ai-Petri Plateau in Crimea during New Year’s holidays.
Алексей Мальгавко
Alexei Malgavko
Alexei was born in 1985 in Russia. Graduated from Omsk State pedagogical university. He has develop his interest in photography since childhood. The main theme in Alexei's work is Russian provincial life. He worked for "Tarskoe Priirtishye", and also collaborated with RIA Novosti, ITAR-TASS, Reuters, AFP, BBC. Alexei works as a staff photo correspondent for Rossiya Segodnya in Omsk region. He has taken part in a various documentary and art photo contests and exibitions.
Winter holidays
Winter holidays
Jury Honorable Mention
© Alexei Vasilyev
My Yakutia
1st place, Special Prize by Shanghai United Media Group
Yakutia is the largest Russian region, but it is almost unexplored. The winter lasts the longest here: there is snow and the temperature stays below zero from October to mid-April. The remoteness and harsh climate determine the culture and way of life of the locals.
My Yakutia
Alexei Vasilyev
Alexei Vasilyev
Alexei was born in Yakutsk. In 2008, he graduated from Yakutsk State University with a degree in philology. Since 2010, he has been working at Keskil’s Yunost Severa children’s newspaper. In 2017, Alexei became a member of the Russian Union of Art Photographers.
My Yakutia
My Yakutia
1st place, Special Prize by Shanghai United Media Group
© Alyona Shilonosova
The Street of Blind
2nd place
Rusinovo is a street of blind and visually impaired people on the outskirts of the city of Yermolino, Kaluga Region. Until 1995, it was a separate village where visually impaired people were sent from various regions of the Soviet Union. There are 115 blind or visually impaired residents in Rusinovo now.
The Street of Blind
Alyona Shilonosova
Alyona Shilonosova
Born in Chelyabinsk, Alyona now lives in St. Petersburg. She has a degree in marketing. She is currently a student at the Dokdokdok school of contemporary photography.
The Street of Blind
The Street of Blind
2nd place
© Aneek Mustafa Anwar
Death of Bangladeshi Cinema
3rd place
An overview of the deterioration of cinema halls in Bangladesh due to a general decline in the country’s film industry. Halls are closing because of a drastic decrease in attendance over the last 10 years. The number of halls in operation has dwindled from over 1,200 to to a mere 300 throughout the country.
Death of Bangladeshi Cinema
Aneek Mustafa Anwar
Aneek Mustafa Anwar
Aneek Mustafa Anwar is a documentary and portrait photographer based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. His work focuses on humanitarian social issues, consumerism, the effects of social media on society and urbanization in Southeast Asia.
Death of Bangladeshi Cinema
Death of Bangladeshi Cinema
3rd place
© Hoi Kin Fung
An odyssey into the vanishing oases: fountains amid public housing
Jury Honorable Mention
Hong Kong is a concrete jungle, where half of the residents live in public housing estates. Fountains can usually be found in those estates. The fountain areas are meant to serve as places where residents can interact with one another. However, most of the fountains are now falling into decay or even demolished. The good old days are gone.
An odyssey into the vanishing oases”: fountains amid public housing
Hoi Kin Fung
Hoi Kin Fung
Hong Kong
A Hong Kong based photojournalist. Mainly working in daily news in Hong Kong.
An odyssey into the vanishing oases”: fountains amid public housing
An odyssey into the vanishing oases: fountains amid public housing
Jury Honorable Mention
© Ricardo Lopes
Jury Honorable Mention
The ambition for a life far removed from the economic hardship of subsistence agriculture in the central part of Portugal has caused a rural exodus that's been going on for 50 years. The landscape faces abandonment while its last inhabitants struggle to keep the region's collective memory alive.
Ricardo Lopes
Ricardo Lopes
Ricardo Lopes graduated in Photojournalism in 2017. He started working as a stringer for Global Media Group, publishing work in the group’s national newspapers. In 2018, he completed an internship at Publico, covering all topics for the newspaper's daily issues and weekly supplements.
Jury Honorable Mention
© Francis Rousseau
The Women of Arugam Bay
1st place
The first surfing society for local women in the history of a country ruled by a patriarchy since bygone days. In that part of the island, you will hardly see a local woman driving a tuk tuk or walking to the beach with a surfboard. In this shot I wanted to change the rules.
Francis Rousseau
Francis Rousseau
My professional name is Max Gifted. I specialize in sports and lifestyle photography. I'm French and I live in Mauritius. For me photography is a way to express a feeling about a moment that will be gone forever. The photographer’s responsibility is to shine a light where there is none.
The Women of Arugam Bay
The Women of Arugam Bay
1st place
© Alejandro Martinez Velez
2nd place
Mohammed Seghor, Sub-Saharan migrant, inside a sports center that was made into a temporary migrant shelter in Algeciras, southern Spain, on August 2, 2018. Mohammed crossed the Strait of Gibraltar from Morocco in dinghy along with other people several days ago.
Alejandro Martinez Velez
Alejandro Martinez Velez
2nd place
© Yegor Badulin
3rd place
A woman standing on a bridge that had been blown up in the outskirts of Donetsk near the contact line.
Yegor Badulin
Yegor Badulin
A photographer from the Orenburg Region, Yegor is studying at the Fotografika Academy of Documentary Photography. He is involved in a long-term project devoted to the self-proclaimed republics in southeast Ukraine.
3rd place
© Santanu Dey
Nostalgia on the verge of extinction
3rd place
This is an ongoing documentary project on occupations that are dying out or extinct in Kolkata. They shaped our society, and society shaped them. But people’s needs changed over time and society adapted accordingly, sacrificing some crucial things along the way.
Nostalgia on the verge of extinction
Santanu Dey
Santanu Dey
Santanu Dey is independent artist cum photographer based in Kolkata. His work has been published in several magazines. He got social documentary grant by SACAC, 2019, 1st place in the Polyphony Photo Festival India in 2017 and also selected in Jakarta Photo Festival 2019, Indian Photo Festival 2019.
Nostalgia on the verge of extinction
Nostalgia on the verge of extinction
3rd place
© Mushfiqul Alam
Tale of the tormented
1st place
The project focuses on the Rohingya women victims of violence. After 9 months of the exodus, around 48,000 women are estimated to deliver babies as a result of rape. Most of these pregnant women were in fear of public shaming and judgment.
Tale of the tormented
Mushfiqul Alam
Mushfiqul Alam
Mushfiqul Alam is a freelance photojournalist based on Dhaka, Bangladesh. Mushfiq was born in Narayanganj. He was the third of three children. Mushfiq was brought up in a middle class Muslim family. Mushfiq was first introduced to photography in his childhood while a family trip.
Tale of the tormented
Tale of the tormented
1st place
© Nadezhda Yermakova
The Strangers
2nd place
The series is about international students in the small town of Tambov. They talk about their problems with integrating in local society, relationships with other students, their lives, dreams and plans for the future.
The Strangers
Nadezhda Yermakova
Nadezhda Yermakova
Nadezhda was born in 1985 in Tambov, and in 2007 graduated from the St. Petersburg State University with a major in French and literature. She worked as a teacher and translator. In 2017−2018 Nadezhda completed an online photography course by Yelena Sukhoveyeva and Viktor Khmel.
The Strangers
The Strangers
2nd place
© Andrea Alai
Bravo Ruben
Jury Honorable Mention
Ruben Bravo lives in Villa Lugano, one of the poorest and most deprived neighborhoods of Buenos Aires. His faith in God and the love for his family gave him the strength to recover from drug addiction and turn his life around. Now he's an example for the community, living with dignity and respect.
Bravo Ruben
Andrea Alai
Andrea Alai
Bravo Ruben
Bravo Ruben
Jury Honorable Mention
© Ksenia Ivanova
The human life
Jury Honorable Mention, Special Prize by China Daily
Andrei Pavlenko, a brilliant 39-year-old cancer surgeon, became a high-profile figure in the fight against cancer in Russia last year: diagnosed with stage 3 stomach cancer in March 2018, he decided to devote his life to changing the system of cancer care in Russia.
The human life
Ksenia Ivanova
Ksenia Ivanova
Ksenia Ivanova is a documentary photographer from St. Petersburg, Russia, born in 1990 in the USSR. In photography her main interest is focused on the problem of cultural and national identity. Her work has been published in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Takie Dela, etc.
The human life
The human life
Jury Honorable Mention, Special Prize by China Daily
© Andrea Alai
1st place
Yasa is mesmerized by soap bubbles in the magic room of an event for kids near Cherkasy, Ukraine.Yasa is a 9-year-old girl from Donetsk (Ukraine) suffering from Crouzon Syndrome, a congenital disease that affects about 1 out of 50,000 children. Karate has become extremely important to her to keep developing both her mental and physical skills. Everyday she dreams the black belt.
Andrea Alai
Andrea Alai
1st place
© Sergei Gapon
Tundra Cup
2nd place
Children of reindeer herders play football on the snow. The FIFA World Cup was held for the first time in Russia in 2018. Football fever swept through the whole country, even Russia's frozen Arctic, which is home to half a million people who live the way their ancestors did for millennia.
Sergei Gapon
Sergei Gapon
Sergei was born in 1989 in the historical town of Kreva, some 100 km from Minsk, Belarus. He graduated from Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts in 2011 with a degree in cultural studies. Sergei has been working as a photojournalist at Agence France-Presse (AFP) since 2012.
Tundra Cup
Tundra Cup
2nd place
© Fatma Fahmy
A source of happiness
3rd place, Special prize by Al Mayadeen TV
Children from a local tribe find a source of happiness in a tree near the border between Egypt and Sudan.
Fatma Fahmy
Fatma Fahmy
Fatmah Fahmy is an Egyptian photographer born in 1991 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Obtained a B.A in chemical engineering from Cairo University in 2013. Fell in love with photography at an early age and became curious about social issues in her country.
A source of happiness
A source of happiness
3rd place, Special prize by Al Mayadeen TV